Chevron Rightvip of the week

michael jansen

September 19, 2021

Meet Michael Jansen!

Hey Michael! Where are you from?

I am from the Queen City, Cincinnati, Ohio.

How long have you been a ZOX VIP?

I have been a ZOX VIP for 18 months.

What does your ZOX collection look like?

My ZOX collection contains many straps and singles, around 150 piecs. I have around 25 of the original imperials and six of the newer ones. And, two hoodies and around 20 strings.

Which ZOX started your collection, and what is your most recent piece?

The ZOX that started my collection is: My Story Isn't Finished. The most recent one in my collection is: [Even More] Missions Accomplished.

What’s your favorite ZOX, and why?

My favorite ZOX is not easy to chose. If I had to chose just one, I would select Continue. My Continue was a gift that came at an important time. I have PTSD due to surviving sexual assault and this one help me "keep calm and carry on". 

If you could design your own collection, what would it be?

If I could design my own six piece mini collection I would chose ones with positive quotes in different languages. For example I love for them to have quotes such as: "I am who I am", Warrior, Never give up just to name three.

Or, option two would be a six piece mini collection supporting the medical field.

What do you love about VIP?

When it comes to VIP, I love how it connects people all over the world with similar ideas. That VIP shows how we can learn to live with daily life in many ways. VIP allows us to hold each others hands when in need.

What do you love about ZOX?

For me, I love ZOX supporting causes with its charity red strap issues. I love how they can crowd pool funds in this manner to allow us to help important causes.

Further, I love how ZOX has a vast style that can be versatile for many days. The fact that ZOX can be worn with the massage hidden or on the outside is fun.

I also love how ZOX gives artist the chance to showcase the work they create. 

ZOX has my love as they are a customer-centered firm. I love how ZOX listens to our voices.

Which ZOX are you planning on acquiring next?

The ZOX I want to obtain next is Guard Your Heart in purple. This is the last colour I need to finish the set so it is my grail.

Thank you so much for sharing, Michael! Wishing you the best of luck in obtaining Guard Your Heart! Hopefully soon.

Keep an eye out for more of your friends to be featured soon!

Be bold,



** Disclaimer: All photos and stories are property of the VIP. Their featured collection in this blog does not mean that what is shown is for sale by the VIP.