Chevron Rightstories

you're not alone

July 7, 2021
This is a serendipitous story. I ordered 3 bracelets for Mother's Day - one for myself, my mom, and my sister-in-law. When my order arrived, I realized I had received You're Not Alone instead of one of the bracelets I'd ordered. I contacted customer service and they responded very quickly letting me know they would re-ship the correct bracelet and that I should keep the You're Not Alone I had received. During this time, I learned that a close family friend who lost her mother to COVID earlier this year tragically lost her father as well just a few months later. This has obviously been an incredibly difficult time in her life and it felt like this sort of unusual course of events was really the universe stepping in to give her a just a small reminder that she is truly part of our chosen family and that she is not alone. So, thank you to ZOX for both your quick resolution of the "error", and also for making the error in the first place.