Chevron Rightstories

you will get through this

March 19, 2024

On 11/26/23 my husband of 35 years told me he wanted a divorce. In a few short weeks we sold our house, I went through all the things collected over those 35 years as well as the keepsakes of our 26 and 28 year old children. As I’m searching through things to find pictures I ask him if he wants pictures of our kids growing up. I was crushed that he wanted NOTHING. I was, also, searching for an apartment that I could afford and would let me keep me 2 Australian shepherds, I was not going anywhere without my girls! To say it was an adjustment is putting it mildly. I moved from an acre on a lake, where my dogs could run and swim all they wanted, to a 2 bedroom apartment where they have to be leashed. I wear my You Will Get Through This lanyard everyday at work as a reminder that I’m going to be okay. I will never understand why my ex-husband decided to walk away from a 35 year relationship and pack up and move from Washington state to New Mexico. I do know that my dogs and I are going to be okay. I’ve realized that I’m the happiest I’ve been in years! I have many straps that I wear that give me that little reminder that I’m going to be okay no matter what is thrown at me! Thank you ZOX

- Kim C.

You Will Get Through This