Chevron Rightstories

you grow, girl

December 3, 2021
I had been wanting a "green" bracelet - I am obsessed with growing things, and eventually ordered it a couple of weeks ago. On the day I wore it for the first time, a colleague at work looked really ill and let me know that she had spent the night in hospital having taken an overdose. During our conversation, I literally took the bracelet off my wrist and put it onto hers, telling her to look at that that every time she needed to know how important she is to the people around her and how all her experiences will roll into the growth that makes her who she is. I took her the card the following day so that she has the full set. I really miss my You Grow, Girl bracelet (I love plants, and that was such a fitting bracelet for me as I just love growing things and the life energy in plants!) but did the right thing. It means a lot to her and hopefully it will remind her of what she needs to know while she is getting stronger.