Chevron Rightstories

you got this

April 3, 2024

I became severely ill and was stuck in the hospital, one of the biggest saving graces was my physical therapists. One of them was a student Jess, I was supposed to leave the hospital before she left but I had to have another surgery.

She came to see me in pre op and gave me the bracelet saying someone had given her one during her time of hurt, she wanted me to know she was rooting for me to get better. I've worn it everyday since then and I always have it with me for surgeries. It's been over 2 years now, the band is worn and stretched but every surgery I wear it no matter what.

She gave me my sparkle back, I miss her so much and cant thank her enough for what she's done. I want to buy another one so I can wear it and keep the original as a keep sake, it wont be the same and I'll wear the original every surgery, it will help knowing she's still right beside me. The number on my bracelet is the most special number to me its 97529. Every time I want to give up I look at it, and see her face and hear her voice, if you see this Jess you mean so much to me and I cant thank you enough for all you've done

- Abbigail H. 

You Got This