Chevron Rightstories


March 11, 2020

I ordered three to share between my girlfriend, my friend and myself. The phases of the moon was something I shared with my girlfriend while we were in a long distance relationship. We would tell each other how the moon looked that night and talk for hours as we watched it soar across the night sky together. It was comforting knowing we were looking at the same thing and sharing the same experiences despite being so far away. When she moved states to be with me she was unsure of her own identity. She suddenly had all this freedom to be herself and it was overwhelming. It still is some days. We both have days where we don't know if our current goals are even worth the efforts we put in but we support each other and push each other to be the best we can. We dare each other to dream and to make those dreams a reality. We're there for each other when it becomes a struggle and together to celebrate our achievements. The "Phases" Zox is for our past and "Dare to Dream" is for our future. We recently became friends with a local artist who is publishing his own comics and card game. We see the struggles he goes through and how hard he works to make his own dreams a reality. He recently succeeded crowdfunding for his project and so I got "Colour the World" to celebrate. He colors the world one brushstroke at a time and makes it that little bit more beautiful. Now we go for walks together as a group with Zox bands on our left wrists, playing 'Pokemon Go' and talking about our goals and dreams.