Chevron Rightstories

you will get through this

May 7, 2021
On Christmas Day, I found out my boyfriend had relapsed with alcohol. It was very, VERY bad. This had happened once before, and I told him that I couldn't go through it again. If he didn't get help, I had to save myself. Worrying about him was making me sick. I was doing everything I could to keep myself healthy, but he was hiding things from me and not being honest about his problem. So, I ended the relationship. Cold turkey...after 5 years. I had planned my whole life around this guy. There were so many more good days than bad days but the bad days felt like years. I hid in bed, I cried for days, I stayed inside because everywhere I went reminded me of him. I found the ZOX website and thought it'd be fantastic to have a positive message attached to me that I could look at whenever things got tough, or I felt defeated. Once I received the bracelet and the included card (which made me bawl since I felt it was speaking directly to my situation) I haven't taken it off. Today, I feel stronger. I don't know how he is doing, because I can't be involved in his life. I hope he finds the help he needs and lives a beautiful life. I definitely plan on living mine.