Chevron Rightstories


October 5, 2019
I first discovered Zox while scrolling through Facebook one day. I clicked on it and started browsing through the designs of straps and imperials reading all of the different meanings behind each of them. I immediately fell in love with Wonderwall and everything it stands for. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my aunt, who is my Wonderwall. The quote on the card says, “Don’t be afraid to push yourself and those you love to do better.” Gosh, I needed that reminder. I teach seventh grade and this is the same message I have tried to get across to my students all year. When my students started noticing my straps I’d wear to school, they started asking me about them. They thought they were so cool. I decided I was going to figure out a way to give those kids their own Wonderwall straps. I ordered every single one of them their own strap. When I surprised those kids with their own straps, they were so excited. We talked about what the meaning of them was. They loved it. I see them in the halls every day and every single one of them wears their strap. Not only is it making them feel loved and special, it’s starting to spread around the school and kids are asking about them constantly. I love the idea of sharing and promoting positivity. Zox is definitely an amazing company and I’m so glad to have found it!!!