Chevron Rightstories

today i will not worry

April 25, 2021
This means more than I think will fit in this description box. Most of my life has been spent in a state of worry. From my Mom & Dad's not so ideal marriage, to a divorce from my first husband, to my newborn being sick and needing chemo & eventually a bone marrow transplant (remission for 8 years this year-PRAISE THE LORD), to my 3YO being diagnosed with SLE & Antiphospholipid Syndrome last year, now to Covid & the upcoming school year. Worry has become my middle name. I haven’t taken this bracelet off since I received it. It’s that important of a reminder for me daily. I can’t worry anymore. It’s affecting me mentally, physically and emotionally. Today’s a new day where my middle name is no longer worry, but OVERCOMER!