Chevron Rightstories

though she be but little

June 16, 2021
This is my ZOX story about my neighbor Sumika. Sumika is Japanese - 4 ft something weighing 89lbs and is in her early 70's. She, over the last four years, unexpectedly lost her daughter and then her husband from cancer. Her life had changed so drastically in a short amount of time. She had to learn to drive and has taken on caring for their property by wielding her husband's big zero-turn lawnmowers over the many acres of land. And yet, if she sees me in my yard, she still comes over to lend a hand. Or, there will be a knock at the door and she will be there with a plate full of spring rolls and a bowl of rice to share. So when I saw the strap " Though she be but little, she is fierce", I thought of her immediately and bought us each one - mine a medium and her's a child-size. When I presented it to her I told her how special she was to me and that this was a symbol of her strength and our friendship, as we now have matching armbands. She proceeded to open the package and slid the band around her hand and onto your wrist. It was a perfect fit! We stood and chatted for a while and before I turned to depart she put her wrist up so we could touch our bands together like it was now our superpower. It was the sweetest heart-touching moment. If I were to create a strap for her, it would be one done in memorial of her husband Harold. It would have green grass with honey bees along with the Japanese word Intoku on it which means "Good done in secret". Harold was that person who would mow your grass while you were away on vacation, place an orange cone to protect you while you were pulling weeds along the road and point out any poison ivy, bring you an icey treat on a hot day, and help you clean up after a sick dog, all without asking. This was the man she has lost and she goes on, following in his much larger foot prints. Though she be but little, she is fierce.