Chevron Rightstories

remember why you started

August 12, 2021
This is one of my all time favourite Zox straps, an amazing design by Jonathan Lumi (who I’m a big fan of). This strap has so much meaning to me for many reasons. I have my off days, as we all do, and it really helps me to have this constant reminder (this phrase is part of one of my tattoos). Sometimes I have to remember why I started in order to see the bigger picture, my career path wasn’t an easy one and it was paved with very rocky patches but looking back to why I started this journey helps me realise how far I’ve come and just how much I’ve overcome to achieve what I have. I have an amazing career and have made so many wonderful friends along the way, this reminder is crucial, it helps me to stay focused and remain passionate about the people I help. Thanks Zox and Lumi for this valuable reminder