Chevron Rightstories


September 16, 2019
First off I find it amusing because I'm 55 and all my life I've had to conform to what others thought I should be. That changed when I turned 40. I don't know why but I knew I had to be who I was. I've dyed my hair all different colors, gotten a lot of tats and am just a bit eccentric because I like to be me, different. But a few years ago, my life took a detour and into the depths of a dark world I've only read about. My son is a drug addict. Not just one drug, but many. He's been arrested 4 times for stealing, using, etc. He is the poster boy of when they talk about the opioid epidemic. His Dr. first gave him the drug for back pain, he quickly built up a tolerance to that and off we've gone down the rabbit hole. I've done so much research I feel like I should write a book, but for now we just search for peace. During my research, I saw some young people wearing these bands while in therapy. I found out about this company called Zox and there became my new obsession, straps to wear each day to help me remember the positive side of the world. My first purchase was recovery for my son. He wears it daily as a reminder that if he feels he needs to reach out, we're here to help, not judge or harm. So thanks Bros for helping us on our journey.