Chevron Rightstories

prove them wrong

January 30, 2020
Okay, this is a bit of a crazy story but it's a true one and I still find it really crazy. Towards the end of my A-Levels, I kept getting told by teachers that I was going to fail, to make back up plans and get further education because I was never going to make it into University. They told me day in and day out that there was no possible way with the grades I was projected that I would make it into my chosen course: computer animation arts. I felt so fed up and beaten, and different from everyone around me that I bought myself the 'Prove Them Wrong' Imperial- and it quickly became my favorite thing to wear- I always want to prove people wrong and it made me feel like just maybe I could do something and prove everybody wrong. It felt like I had a little piece of my insides on my outsides. Results day rolled around after a few weeks of wearing my new imperial every single day, and I woke up with it on my wrist when I got an email from my University. 'You have an unconditional offer, see you in September'. Quickly after this email I cried, told my mum and went to my school to pick up my results. I failed 2/3 of my subjects, 100 UCAS points off of getting into my chosen course- but I still did it. I proved them all wrong. And when I sat back in my car, with my unconditional offer and my new path to becoming an animator- my bracelet was gone. I've searched high and low for it, and have been animating for 6 months now- and it hasn't shown up. I proved them wrong, and when the day I did, it disappeared. Thank you ZOX.