Chevron Rightstories

no feeling is permanent

February 9, 2020

Ive been a Zox collector for almost two years now and each day I get up in the morning and decide which strap I feel the need for that day. It could be that I have a meeting with work and need a reminder that I can be determined, or a catch up with friends in which I need to know that I am enough just as I am, Maybe I know someone who is having a tough time and I wear a strap for them. Each of my straps has a special place in my heart and they are chosen with great care each day. It's become a ritual that I go through in order to know I can face the world. My latest is "No Feeling Is Permanent". I was recently made redundant after six years of working for a independent SEN school. My whole world was wrapped up in my work and I would always go above and beyond for the kids in my care. I saw them more than my family and knew there was so much I could do to help them. Being made promises after promises to keep getting as much from me as the company could, I kept allowing it because it was for the kids. I became a shell of my former self when the kids weren't around and truly lost myself. The redundancy was a huge set back at first and I knew I wasn't in a good place. Finding a new job at that time was difficult. I didn't feel worthy of the interviews I was offered or of people telling me I was good at what I did and deserved better from my employer. I found a new job that suits me and i'm in a better place. This strap for many is a reminder that bad times don't last, but for me it's also a reminder that sometimes the good times don't last either. My life has changed since being made redundant. I no longer live my life to work but I work to live. I spend more time with my family and friends and have started new hobbies which I enjoy. The strap reminds me that nothing lasts forever so you have to really make the most of it while it's happening. Don't let life pass you by while you're working every hour you can. Don't forget to laugh at every opportunity because you're too serious and important. But most importantly live for the moments you cant put into words, for these are the important things, these are what make a life worth living.