Chevron Rightstories

lost in time

November 9, 2019
The Saying “Lost In Time” means a lot to me.. I over think, a lot. When I get to thinking my mind goes to the past. I remember memories from my childhood all good and bad. I remember things that would make me so happy, like when I started a certain year in elementary school or when I went to my first concert.. and shortly after I’ll switch to think of something not so happy... It could be when my parents fought, when I was young or it could be when I had my first heartbreak.. I will literally sit and get Lost In Time inside my own head. I have always told myself, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” But the thing is, I love getting lost in my memories. Even if I do cry... I’m just remembering a hard moment in my life that made me who I am now. After finding this Zox I had a better way to describe what I do. I get Lost In Time. I’ll let my thoughts wander to the deepest parts of my memories. When I get several years older than I am now, I will find myself getting lost in time and remember the memories I’m making now. Thank you for making something I strongly connect with, It’s like finding a piece of who I am.