Chevron Rightstories

look within

December 11, 2019
I am 22 years old. I have always thought that I am a sorta of a misfit in the society because I would always do things differently. I would try to fit in by hanging out with people who are not like me or even do things that I wouldn't do personally but only to be accepted or "in". I was also suffering from anxiety. However, during my healing process I discovered that all this time I was anxious and unhappy because I was doing the opposite of what I actually wanted to do. I started looking within and let my purpose guide. Every time I am encountered with a difficult situation or find myself confused or being harsh, I try to look within and be in peace with myself . Therefore, this strap is my constant reminder that the answers to my life is within myself. I am the warrior. I just need to look within and follow my purpose. That's how happiness follows oneself. Each one of us has the power to be genuinely in peace if we only looked within us. The answers to our riddles is ourselves.