Chevron Rightstories

in this together

February 27, 2020

I found ZOX on Facebook and I would always share it but never really go look. One day I decided to go on the site and check it out. In This Together caught my eye so quick! When I saw it, I immediately purchased two! One for myself and one for my identical twin sister. I am a recovering addict with 19 months clean, and my sister hasn’t done a bad thing in her life (seriously). She does have her own demons she battles. She suffers from depression, and suicidal thoughts. When I started my recovery, my sister was always my biggest fan (still is). Rooting me on, writing poems about how far I have come, and simply listening to me when I felt weak. When my sister gets down, she comes to me and I listen, I don’t judge, I comfort her, and reassure her. Although my sister and I face our own demons there is always one thing that remains true, and that is that we are forever and always In This Together. We understand each other on a level no one else could come close to. We both wear our ZOX daily. Whenever either of us are feeling down we will tell each other “hey, hey look at your wrist!” I love that our ZOX tells our story and helps us in our daily lives just by looking at it.