Chevron Rightstories

in a field of roses

August 7, 2021
3 weeks ago, a very dear friend encouraged me and helped me flee from my husband who was extremely abusive, physically, sexually, mentally, psychologically and emotionally. She helped me regain control over my life and in the process, keeping my child safe by taking my power back! We drove through the night, over 600 miles to safety! This woman saved my life by encouraging me to save my son's and my own. I am so thankful for her and so proud to call her my friend and my biggest supporter! I bought us both the same wrist band, "In a field of roses, she is a wildflower" reminding me that my life is too precious to stay stuck in an existence that no longer serves me and to remind her exactly what she did for my son and I! Thank you for helping me honor this moment in my life!