Chevron Rightstories

go your own way

October 10, 2019
I bought the strap Go Your Own Way, because it reminds me every day to not do something to please everyone else, but what pleases me. I have been a Zoxer for about a year now, and I fight depression on the daily, but with each strap I buy or wear, I find my self fighting that depression and find myself looking for things that bring me joy. I had to learn to do things for me and no one else because ultimately you are the only one who can make yourself happy. So what I'm saying is let's continue to go our own way, and not do things to please people that won't be there when the going gets tough. You are strong, you are smart, and those two things inspire me everyday. That is my motto that helps me through each day, and not give in to the monster no matter how easy it is. I continue to fight because I choose to go my own way.