Chevron Rightstories


January 18, 2020
When I discovered Zox on a Facebook ad, I thought “Nice, but probably one of those sites where you don’t get your stuff.” Well, here they were, day after day. I finally caved and checked out these straps. My first 3 were just a few that initially caught my eye and Fighter. I chose Fighter because it reminded me of my friend Josh who passed away from cancer a couple years prior. Right away, this guy emails me (shout out Jordan!!) thanking me for my purchase. What??? I got my straps 2 days later. I have never been so emotional about a piece of fabric. The beauty, the artwork, the encouragement of the words on the cards. The dedication of the Bros is so amazing and touching, it warms my heart every day. I love this community and how everyone tries to lift others up. Since my initial purchase, I’ve subscribed to Mystery Packs, gained a new addiction that won’t kill me, and made new friends that are so awesome I can’t put it into words. All because a little Fighter was so persistent in an ad. Truthfully, I think it was my friend telling me “Man, these are rad, I’d totally wear all of them! Quit being so stubborn and buy them already!” I’m so glad I did!