Chevron Rightstories

be ye transformed

September 15, 2019
I've been debating sharing my story for weeks and finally decided today that if I can help one person-its worth it. It's really going to be a challenge to describe how much this strap means to me in short form but I'm gonna give it my best shot.... In the program I belong to this would be called a 'lead' and in a nut shell I'm going to paint the clearest picture possible of what it was like, what happened, and what its like today! I had a pretty 'normal' life - a good family, oldest of four children, got good grades, played sports, had lots of friends, loved to draw and paint etc. After high school I was not able to continue my education in the arts for financial reasons so for ten years I struggled figuring out -'what I wanted to do with my life'. Bouncing from minimum wage job to minimum job, feeling hopeless/stuck. In the midst of this I battled with-what I know now was-depression. At the time I had no clue that was the issue. But in the midst of the depression I found alcohol and drugs which I would later become addicted to. With the help of a family friend I was accepted into a building trades apprenticeship as a union electrician. It paid great, I had excellent benefits for myself and my daughter, and I could finally provide for myself and her. It was just the emotional boost I needed. It went well for a few years. During my third year I was injured on the job- I had to wear a cast that covered my whole leg from the top of my knee to my foot for 16 weeks. I was unable to work and I was thrown into a world of doctors and physical therapy and appointments that I was very naïve to. I was prescribed opiates. I knew NOTHING about them I took them because the doctor told me it would help the pain-he never once mentioned that I would become physically addicted and that if I didn't have them I would become deathly sick and go through complicated withdrawal that nearly killed me several times. The sickness is literally unbearable and the addict will do anything and everything to get well. This lead me to Heroin. I'll spare you the horrifying details of what my life became very quickly following that discovery but I will say this-'incomprehensible demoralization!' for 20+ years. Fast forward to November 2014. My life is in shambles, my family-including my daughter will have nothing to do with me, I am not employable, I have lost my home, my vehicle, my drivers license any and all possessions including clothing and shoes, I frequent county jail and all surrounding city jails in a 50 mile radius very few weeks or so, as well as local hospitals due to overdose. Powerless over everything and life completely unmanageable. I am in the perfect position for a power greater then myself to intervene.....and boy does it!!!! The day before Thanksgiving that year I find myself at a treatment center for women. I have been graced with an opportunity to start over! A transformation. ...'do not be conformed to this world BE TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is good, pleasing and perfect will of God'..... Through my higher power, that house and the women directly associated with the program I have been able to leave that old life behind, I am healthy and strong-mentally physically spiritually and psychologically and each day that passes gets better. I am once again a productive member of society and my family enjoys my company. Every day I wake up and ask that I can somehow re-pay the favor of this new life I've been given and I request that someone be put in my path that I can help. I no longer need drugs and alcohol to get through the day. And my whole perception has changed through transformation. Thanks