Chevron Rightstories


October 17, 2019
I was thinking about my younger brother who loved fishing. Every weekend that he had his son, my nephew, we would go fishing. Even when he went fishing alone for quiet time, he would send me pictures of the fish he caught. My brother was 2 years younger than I, and died alone unexpectedly on August 7, 2017. We were so very close. I was asking the VIP community if there was a Fishing strap. And the next day one dropped. I was getting tagged left and right by this new AWSOME ZOX FAMILY. They knew I needed this. Wearing this strap is a reminder of special moments with my brother and that I keep something we shared on the pulse of my life literally, by wearing it daily. I miss him everyday. Not a day goes by that I dont think about him or still shed a tear.