Chevron Rightstories
Know Your Worth ZOX Bracelet

know your worth

April 30, 2024

I have always struggled with mental health and over 4 years ago at a Christmas Youth party I was given two ZOX bands. One said you are enough and I can’t remember what the other one said. But I almost never took them off because only I knew the message on the inside of the bracelet. I have struggled with knowing my own self worth and feeling like I was worthless.

I’m getting married in a couple of months and the worry of will his family take me as one of their own. Am I worthy of his love, am I worthy enough to marry into this family. I know I am worthy and know more than ever because I have a constant reminder that I am not worthless. I am worthy in every way possible. If they can’t see it then it’s not my problem and I know I’m worthy of their son’s love and respect.

I know I’m worthy of loving myself and having confidence in my decision. This company has been an amazing reminder and resource for me when I’m at my lowest points. I am forever grateful for the messages on the inside of the bracelet or watch band I have. Thank you

- Kiena C.

Know Your Worth